Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Announcing my book: Proud and Determined

As you may know, Algonkian Church History has been an advertising-free, not-for-profit blog for five full years (with more than 300 posts).

But changes may be coming. I'm working on getting a different kind of blog because I have something to sell: a book!

Click on the image to enlarge.
But the cover that you see above was a team effort. When you need help with something, you find out who your true friends are. So I'd like to publicly thank the people involved with "my" book cover: Bart Putzer, Vicki Bowman Stevens, Doug Rand, and John Martin.
John's father created the Many Trails symbol and he gave me permission to use a photo of it. The photographer is Doug Rand, a friend of John's. And Vicki, the "cover model," is John Martin's step-daughter (if you want to be technical about it, but I don't think John and Vicki use the "step" word).
Finally, Bart Putzer put it all together and designed the cover. Hard to believe he had never designed a book cover before!

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