According to J.N. Davidson, the first Oneidas to emmigrate to what is now Wisconsin were from the First Christian party. Meanwhile, back in New York, a faction of the Second Christian Party broke off and became known as the Orchard party. The Orchard party aligned itself with the Methodist church and headed west. Davidson tells us about one of their missionaries:

Within two months, an "unpretentious structure of logs" was built to serve as "a combined church-and-school." The day after that building was dedicated, September 17, 1832, marked the first day of school for this party of Oneidas. Their teacher was Electa Quinney.
After some time, John Clark decided to move on to other mission fields. Taking his place was a Mohawk preacher (who also, of course, came from New York), Mr. Daniel Adams (Davidson, In Unnamed Wisconsin, page 66).
As Marty Zank pointed out in a recent comment, Dan Adams and Electa Quinney were married and eventually had a son. After only a few years with the Oneidas, Mr. Adams was called to serve the Senecas on their new reservation west of the Mississippi.
What kind of relationship did John Clark and Daniel Adams have? All I can say about it is that it must have been positive. Why else would Dan and Electa Adams name their son John Clark Adams?
Thank you for sharing more about the New York Oneidas and their part in this rich history. This blog has a following in Oneida, NY and is appreciated by people in that city.
This was a very bad informational website on Daniel Adams.
This has nothing on Daniel Adams.
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