The reader wants help identifying the biological parents of an ancestor of his who was "found along the side of the road as an infant...in 1807." The infant was given the middle name of "Shaw" because the adoptive parents figured that - because they found her in a certain part of Ohio - she was a Shawnee.
I'm really not an expert on the Shawnee, but I highly doubt that an Indian born in Ohio around 1807 would have a birth certificate or baptism papers or anything like that. I also think that being born to people who aren't able to take care of you would make it less likely that there is any documentation.
Okay... I'm an optimist too. I want to give my reader some possible sources.
One is the Ohio-based Amy's Genealogy, etc. Blog.

But why not try to talk to a real expert on this kind of thing?
The National Archives has two regional facilities in Ohio:
Dayton (937) 425-0600,
and Miamisburg (937) 425-0601.
If my reader never finds the answer he's looking for, I still think he has a great story to tell at parties and genealogical society meetings.
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