More recently, I heard from Carleen Vandezande, another reader of Algonkian Church History. After reading this blog for some time, Carleen remembered back to her school days and a summer job back home in New York State. It turns out that Carleen had worked in historic preservation at the place once called home by the Stockbridge Mohicans.
Carleen gave me a disk of several photos (including the one you see above) and I was somewhat surprised at how similar the rural New York landscape looks to Calumet County, Wisconsin (especially Stockbridge and Brothertown, Wisconsin). Anyway, more photos and descriptions will be forthcoming.
I think Samson Occum and the Christian Indians of New England by Love 1899 has some info. It's on Google books so it can be searched. He's mentioned a few times. see http://books.google.com/books?id=SYACAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA188&lpg=PA188&dq=Samson+Occom+and+the+Christian+Indians+of+New+England&source=bl&ots=t4arFoUWtq&sig=BNVlQJJ9DQxxLA_GUT57-twLHH0&hl=en&ei=tXRKSpuTGI2MMercgKQB&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=2
God is good
Nice to hear from you again John. I'll go back to that book. I've got some research done for that series already, but thanks for mentioning Love's book, it's a good source.
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